Wednesday, June 15

Harvest Time

Finally it's time to harvest the wheat crop. Andrew is sick so I got to help harvest. It's much more fun than sitting all day doing housework, sewing and cooking over the fire. I like to be outside and hear the birds and see the prairie flowers in the distance. The golden wheat is pretty, but the prairie tallgrass is still my favorite!

The new plow Papa got this year works so much better than our old one on this rich prairie land.  When we first got here and started planting, Papa said he didn't know it would be so hard to plow the land, the soil is much thicker than it looks.  But now that we have been here a few years, we understand the land better and are able to plant more wheat and cotton.

Picture of Plow at the Penn Farmstead
Papa said there are so many people coming to Texas, that next season we will hire people to help plant and harvest on some of our unused prairie that is west of the barn.  With our new plow and new workers, we will be able to plant three times as many crops! The land will look very different.  Our little family farm has grown so much since we moved here! 
Sign at Penn Family Farm, picture taken by Hayley M.